Renew or modify an existing software license agreement


This service provides consulting, coordination, and management of IT vendors, licensing, and purchases. The Information Technology department maintains relationships and official partnerships with IT vendors, companies, and providers of hardware, software, and IT services. All of the requests must receive approval from the requesters budget approver. Purchases must adhere to the guidlines of the Massasoit Technology Purchasing Policy. Please click on this link to view the policy on the IT's portal page

Click on "Request Service" on the right to enter a request.

Available To

This service is can be requested by staff and faculty.


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Related Articles (1)

The purpose of this policy is to provide direction and guidelines for technology related purchases and the planning of technology projects at the college, regardless of the funding source. For the purposes of this policy technology assets can include hardware, software, or any other technical resource required to complete a planned initiative.


Service ID: 24658
Mon 11/20/17 4:26 PM
Mon 12/3/18 3:27 PM