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    Services or Offerings?
    Request an event to be added to the portal or website calendar.

    Request information be added to the College's interior digital signs.

    Request assistance with creating print and/or digital advertisements.

    Report a problem with Banner print jobs.

    Request Massasoit Business Cards.

    Modify an existing report by adding output, changing the layout, or adding parameters.

    This service provides the option to change current phone features to an employee desk phone. Features include answering multiple extensions, adding additional quick dial extensions, adding quick dial 911, and others.

    request a change in the current service on a Massasoit issued mobile phone

    Support request for the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS)

    Learn how to use the technology installed in your classroom or computer lab.

    Request an entry in the Monday Morning Minute.

    Provide input, guidance, and support to draft written copy for a number of mediums.

    Request support and approval to procure custom, branded materials for an event or program.

    Choose from a range of creative and production assistance for printed publications and a variety of marketing collateral for internal and external audiences.

    Request the deletion of a voicemail box. Removes all voicemail configuration and history.