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Services or Offerings?
This service includes: evaluating Degree Works changes; process automation; and general technical support. Please do not use this service to report error messages.

For requesting temporary administrative rights over your work computer.

My phone has no dial tone, my message light isn't working, my phone won't ring, or my phone is going directly to voicemail.

Request the installation of software either on your work computer or for use in a computer lab.

Request service for issues relating to any classroom and/or AV technology in a classroom. This can include the computer, projectors, audio issues, Blu-Ray players, etc.

Request a technician assist with the troubleshooting of your computer software.

Request help with a form that is not functioning correctly, displaying incorrect information, or is being misrouted.

Report a problem with a current report, including missing data or erroneous results.

Make a request for software to be installed from one or all computer labs across campus. This service request is intended to be able to ask for new software to be installed that may not already be present, rather than updating any software that is already installed.

For hiring managers to request ITS equipment, account creation, and other access for new employees.

This service includes: evaluating Banner changes; process automation; and general technical support. Please do not use this service for reporting error messages.