Downloading and Using Respondus Lockdown Browser


  • My quiz/exam in Canvas is telling me I need LockDown Browser in order to continue.
  • How do I use LockDown Browser?
  • I downloaded LockDown Browser but it's still telling me to download it.




What is Respondus LockDown Browser?

  • Respondus LockDown Browser is an application commonly required in order to take quizzes or exams on Canvas or other online learning systems. It is an internet browser, like Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Google Chrome, which allows you to browse to Canvas and take a quiz or exam. What it does differently from the other browsers you're used to is prevent you from opening up other tabs, websites, and can sometimes be used to utilize your device's webcam in order to make sure you aren't referencing offline materials. Basically, it's a tool a teacher can use to make sure you're not cheating on a test while still administering the test online.
  • LockDown Browser can be downloaded from the link that is provided in Canvas when you try to access a quiz or exam without the LockDown Browser. 
  • If you're using a Massasoit computer on-campus or that you've loaned out from the Library, LockDown Browser should already be installed on the computer and you can proceed to the steps listed below to use it.




How to Download LockDown Browser

LockDown Browser can be downloaded in two ways:

  • Through your Canvas test/quiz

    1. Navigate to Canvas. You can get there by logging into the MyMassasoit Portal and clicking on Canvas in the Launchpad.

    2.   Click on the class you have an exam in and navigate to that exam. It will most likely be located in Assignments or Modules.

    3. Once you're at the exam, click the button to Take the Quiz. You will get a message in Canvas saying the exam requires LockDown Browser and the page will contain a link to download it.

    4. Follow the link to download the browser, then click Download once you're at the download page. From here, install it like you would any other software.

  • Through Online Learning's page on the MyMassasoit Portal

    1. Log into the MyMassasoit Portal and look for the Online Learning card. This card may not be on your Portal homepage. If it isn't, you'll need to scroll down, click Discover More and find the card there.
    2. In the Online Learning card on the Portal, click on the link For Students. You will be sent to Online Learning's Canvas page containing links, resources, and other information.
    3.  Scroll down a bit and click on Lockdown Browser: download dedicated browser for Canvas exams.
    4. Click Download once you're at he download page. From here, install it like you would any other software.




Using LockDown Browser

  • After you've downloaded LockDown Browser, please see below for step-by-step instructions on how to use it based on which Operating System you're using:


  1. Click on the Start Menu or Search Bar in the bottom left of your screen and search for "lockdown browser." Press Enter or click on the LockDown Browser result to open it.
    • Be sure that you're clicking on "LockDown Browser" and it says App. Don't click on a result that has ".exe" at the end.
  2. Close any programs that the browser tells you it needs to close before it can proceed. For example, LockDown Browser will require that you close programs like Spotify, Microsoft Outlook, and other browsers if you have them open.
  3. Log in to the MyMassasoit Portal in the LockDown Browser window that came up, then navigate through Canvas to your course's exam.
  4. Proceed and take the exam inside LockDown Browser. If you get a page saying that the exam requires LockDown Browser, please double-check that you have followed these steps exactly and are accessing that page inside LockDown Browser and not a different browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, or Safari.

If you run into any issues during this process or have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk.


  1. Open the Launchpad and find LockDown Browser. Click on it to open it.
  2. Close any programs that the browser tells you it needs to close before it can proceed. For example, LockDown Browser will require that you close programs like Spotify, Microsoft Outlook, and other browsers if you have them open.
  3. Log in to the MyMassasoit Portal in the LockDown Browser window that came up, then navigate through Canvas to your course's exam.
  4. Proceed and take the exam inside LockDown Browser. If you get a page saying that the exam requires LockDown Browser, please double-check that you have followed these steps exactly and are accessing that page inside LockDown Browser and not a different browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, or Safari.

If you run into any issues during this process or have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk.


  1. Once you've downloaded LockDown Browser, clear your cookies and cached images & files.
  2. Restart Google Chrome and log in to the MyMassasoit Portal. Navigate to Canvas from the Portal and into the exam.
  3. Once you are on the page for the exam and click the button to take the test, the LockDown Browser extension will reload the page in a different-looking window. This is LockDown Browser working normally.
  4. Proceed and take the exam inside LockDown Browser. If you get a page saying that the exam requires LockDown Browser, please double-check that you have followed these steps exactly and are accessing that page inside LockDown Browser and not a different browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, or Safari.

If you run into any issues during this process or have any questions, please contact the ITS Help Desk. On Chromebooks, it is very common that issues can be fixed by clearing your cookies and cached images & files.


If you have any questions or need further help, please contact the ITS Help Desk.

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