Charter: College Technology Committee

This charter specifies the purpose, responsibilities, membership, and conduct of Massasoit’s College Technology Committee, a standing committee of the college.


  1. To advise on policies, acquisitions and planning concerning college-wide technology services, including educational technologies that support the delivery of instruction and facilitate learning that affect the entire college as well as technologies to support enrollment and student service functionality.
  2. To review and recommend proposals regarding technology.


The College Technology Committee reports to the College Senate Executive Committee for approval, discussion, or College Senate meeting.


  • Develop and maintain a Technology Strategic Plan that aligns with Massasoit’s goals.
  • Adopt and disseminate guiding principles and policies for using technology at Massasoit.
  • Coordinate Technology Advisory Subcommittees responsible for the assessment and data gathering related to unmet technology needs and anticipated changes.
  • Adopt and disseminate standard processes for developing, submitting, reviewing, prioritizing and acting on proposed IT initiatives.
  • Encourage IT initiatives that provide Massasoit with a competitive advantage in attracting and retaining students, faculty, staff and external support.
  • Receive, review, prioritize and make recommendations about proposed IT initiatives.
  • Provide direction for the allocation of resources required to implement proposed IT initiatives. Advise the CIO on budget priorities and where appropriate, recommend a model or models for funding critical IT systems including on‐going and scheduled replacement costs.
  • Support the IT Department’s efforts to minimize Massasoit’s risks associated with access to digital data and IT systems.
  • Resolve issues or conflicts that might jeopardize the successful completion of approved IT initiatives.


All committee members shall begin in September. Members of the committee that are elected are elected for two years, except for student members, and then must sit out two years from this committee until eligible for another term of service. Students are appointed on a yearly basis.

Committee Membership
Title Name
Chief Information Officer (Chairperson) William Morrison
Chairperson of the Faculty Senate Academic Technology Committee  
One additional Faculty member (Appointed by Faculty Senate) Ann Marie Baptista
Director of Enterprise Systems (Chair of Enterprise Committee) Amity Kelley
Director of Client Services and Academic Computing  
Coordinator of Instructional Technology Jesse Schreier
Director of Grants  
Associate Dean of Institutional Research Mary Goodhue Lynch
Representative of College Communications  
Representative of Finance Tina Vogel Pransky
Representative of Student Services  
Representative of Enrollment Management  
Representative of the Libraries Vincent Livoti
Representative of Corporate and Community Education Steven Litcoff



The College Technology Committee will meet the first Monday of each month, or as prescribed by the College Senate.


Regularly report to the President’s Cabinet through the CIO about activities, issues, and related recommendations. In addition, publish meeting agendas, minutes and supporting documents so that members of the college community are aware of the work and recommendations of the committee. Members will communicate back to their various departments and committees.

College Technology Committee Ground Rules

The role of the Chair:

  • Propose an agenda for each meeting using input from the committee members.
  • Maintain the focus on meeting topics.
  • Serve as the liaison to the President’s Cabinet

The role of the recorder:

  • Maintain and distribute minutes of all meetings in an appropriate electronic format.
  • Provide a list of action items. For each action item identify the description, who is responsible and the estimated completion date.

Role of Technology Steering Committee Members:

  • Discussion about sensitive or controversial topics and information will be treated confidentially.
  • Members will judge ideas, not people and practice consensus team decisions.
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