Rave Emergency Alerts - How to Update Contact Information


  • How can I be sure I'll be alerted when the school closes due to weather or other conditions?
  • I didn't receive an alert when the school closed, how do I fix this?


Rave Emergency Alerts is the system Massasoit uses to communicate about emergencies and school closings to Massasoit faculty, staff, and students. The system will notify you through your official Massasoit email as well as any phone numbers (by text or call) or email addresses you'd like to add to your contact information. 

Updating Rave contact information

  1. Log in to the MyMassasoit Portal.
  2. Click on "Rave Emergency Alerts" located in the Launchpad.
  3. Click the "+ ADD" or Edit button next to the type of contact you'd like to update.
    • The "Mobile Phones" section indicates phone numbers that will be texted with an alert.
    • The "Voice Only Line Contacts" section indicates phone numbers that will be called with an alert.
    • The "Email" section indicates email addresses that will be emailed with an alert.
      • Your official Massasoit student or faculty/staff email should be in this section already.

Any individual contact method that is in the Rave Emergency Alerts system or added into it can be tested by clicking the yellow "TEST" button located to the right of the contact method. If you can successfully receive a test, you should be all set for the next time a Rave alert is sent out.

Not receiving alerts?

If you have confirmed that the contact information in the Rave system is correct and successfully performed a test using the "TEST" buttons, but still did not receive a Rave alert when you should have. contact the ITS Help Desk. While rare, it is possible that even though your contact information is correct in the system, your account isn't configured correctly on our end, which is something we can fix for you.

Received an alert, but you're not associated with the college anymore?

Rarely, an account may remain active in the Rave Alert system even though the Massasoit account has been disabled or deleted. If you get a Rave alert but are no longer associated with Massasoit, contact the ITS Help Desk to be removed from the system.

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