How do I use a Department Account?


  • How do I access college systems using a Shared (department/divisional) Account?


Department accounts that are shared by multiple department staff are strongly discouraged, but may be necessary in limited scenarios. Before using a shared department account, please contact ITS to verify whether there is a more secure and effective way to accomplish your goals. Shared department accounts are no longer permitted to log into the MyMassasoit portal. If you MUST use a shared department account to access other systems, you can log in using the department account credentials with the following links:







**NOTE: You must not be logged in with your individual account when you click the links above, else it will automatically sign you in with your personal account. Either close any browsers that are already logged in with your individual account before using the links above, or use an "Incognito" window or a different browser.  For example, if you are logged in with your individual account in Chrome, then use Edge or Firefox to open these links.

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