Teams: Sending an Email to a Channel


  • How do I send an Email to my Teams Channel?


You can forward an Email to a Teams Channel Email address by following these steps:

  • Open the appropriate team and choose the channel you wish to send the Email.
  • Click on  (more options) and choose Get Email Address.

You will see the Get Channel Email address box.

  • Click .

The Email address will be saved to the clipboard.

  • Go to your Outlook Inbox.
  • Find the Email you wish to forward or compose a new one.

  • If you wish to forward, open the Email.

  • Paste the address in to the TO: box.


  • Click .

The Email will appear in the Posts area of the selected Channel. This my take a little time.

Please note, this article references Outlook. You can use other Email systems, however, the procedure may be slightly different.

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