OneDrive Installation & Sync Options


  • I have been asked to use OneDrive to back up my files, or I have been asked to migrate to the Web Office apps and need to move my files from a destination device to the cloud.


  • Search your device for the OneDrive application. If your device is running Windows 11, it most likely has OneDrive already installed. 

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If your device does not have OneDrive installed on it already, navigate to the Microsoft website and install OneDrive using these steps:

1. Navigate to

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2. Locate the installer in your Downloads folder

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3. *Important* Please sign in to OneDrive using your Massasoit provided account. Using a personal account, or neglecting to include the full email address, will result in failure.

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4. *Important* Please deselect the checkbox for device management. Massasoit ITS has no desire to control your personal device, and has no desire to enforce any compliance on a device you purchased for yourself.  Please ensure you deselect this box. We can remedy this if you do accidentally continue with the box selected.

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5. Select the folders you want to back up to OneDrive, then select "Start backup" to initiate the backup. Your files are  now available on the Web Office 365 and on your computer locally. 

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Configuring OneDrive to Sync More Folders

If OneDrive is already installed on your computer, and you want to change the scope of folders available for sync to the cloud, you can do so following these steps.

1. Right click on OneDrive in the system tray, then select the cog wheel, then select Settings.

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2. In the Account page, select "Choose folders"

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3. Here you can select and deselect the folders you would like. These changes will be made effective once you sync again. 

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General Reminders

If you save your documents to a folder outside of the scope of the available directories to sync in OneDrive, you will need to move those documents to a folder that is inside the scope. This means, for instance, if you are saving your Documents to your Downloads folder, you will need to move those files to the Documents folder for them to be within the scope of OneDrive synchronization. 


This article covered how to download and install OneDrive for those users who may not have it installed by default by their computer manufacturer, or who may have deleted it after not using it for a time. It also covered how to set up the sync utility in OneDrive after starting the application, in case the user may have selected the wrong target directories or wanted to make changes to what directories were syncing to OneDrive. 

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