Cancelled Courses Form - Instructions

Canceled Courses Form - Dynamic Forms Instructions 

The digital version of the Canceled Courses form is constructed with built in routing and messaging.  

The dean or administrative assistant in each division will receive an email reminder to complete the Canceled Courses Form at the beginning of each semester. This form will be sent by the Academic Affairs (AA) Office to the dean or administrative assistant for completion and routed back to the AA Office after completion. This document is vital for properly crediting staff for annual Seniority Reporting purposes. 

Always be sure your MyMassasoit Portal is open when creating or signing Dynamic Forms from links received in email or from documentation. If you have not already signed into the portal, you may see a window asking for your Microsoft account information.  

To initiate the form, go to ITS Help Desk – Services – Administrative Services 

Step 1 

Once you have supplied your Massasoit credentials you will be routed to Dynamic Forms and presented with the Canceled Courses form.  

  1. Enter the year and term for the Canceled Courses. 

  1. Enter the Course Number, Course Title, Instructor Name, and the Date the instructor was notified for each canceled course. 

  1. Attach your file if needed. 

  1. Click in the highlighted area to sign your form. 



  1. Once you have reviewed the information on the document, click on the Next button at the bottom of the document and you will be asked to electronically sign the document. Please sign the contract by typing your name in the appropriate boxes and then click on the “Sign Electronically” box.  


  1. Be sure to Submit your form after you have attached your electronic signature.  


  1. A pop-up message will appear noting that your form has been submitted along with a link to view your PDF. Here you have the option of downloading your form to save in your personal files.   


Note: In Dynamic Forms, this form will only be accessible to the initiator of the form, a signee, or the person who opens the form from the email notification. Therefore, it is important to save the completed document to a shared file for future access by additional staff members. 

Your form will be automatically routed to the Academic Affairs Office. 

All signatories of any form may return to Dynamic Forms to review forms that they have signed at any time. They can download or print copies as they have signed them or return to the main link to Dynamic Forms and access their copies by clicking on the My Forms link at the top right of the screen and selecting Forms History to see all available forms.  


More information can be found by clicking on Forms History and choosing one of the form options below. 



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