Travel Request Form Instructions

Travel Request Form - Dynamic Forms Instructions 

The Travel Request Form is used for travel outside the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This form is not required for travel within the Commonwealth. 

Submission of this form does not guarantee approval of the request. As this form requires multiple approvals, it should be submitted as far in advance of the expected travel date as is reasonably practicable. 

The digital version of the Travel Request Form is constructed with built-in routing and messaging. This form is designed to be routed for approval and completion. 

To initiate the form, go to ITS Help Desk – Services – Administrative Services - Travel Request Form

As with all Dynamic Forms, you must be signed into the MyMassasoit Portal to access your form. If you are a first-time user or are new to Dynamic Forms, detailed instructions on accessing the platform are located in the Knowledge Base.

Step 1: Form Initiator 

Prior to viewing the form and completing your request you will be asked to supply the name and email address of your cost center manager - the person who approves all of your requests.  

  1. Complete the form by entering the required information indicated by a red asterisk.
    1. Date of Request
    2. Employee's Title
    3. Purpose of Trip
      • Please include how this fits with the college mission
    4. Destination
    5. Departure/Return Dates


  1. Means of Transportation 
  2. Budgeted Fund Availability
  3. Division Selection


  1. Complete the required fiscal information 

    1. Fund - Select the fund to be debited

    2. Organization - Select the organization number

    3. Account - Select the appropriate account

Note: If you are unsure regarding this information, please contact your Division Manager 


  1. Enter your estimated expenses in the spaces provided 


Please Note: Upon entering your estimated expenses, an additional request for documentation will appear on the form. This documentation is required. Multiple files can be uploaded at once.

  1. Transportation – Requires documentation (quotes) of THREE prices. 
  2. Lodging – Requires documentation of hotel rates via screenshot.
  3. Conference/Registration – Requires a copy of the registration form.
  4. Other – Requires a Word document itemizing meals and incidentals.
  5. Expenses not to exceed – This line is automatically calculated when the above lines are completed.





  1. After completing the required fields, submit your form by selecting the “Next” button on the bottom of the page to apply your electronic signature (see below). If you have skipped over any of the required fields, you will remain on the form and be required to fill in the required fields.   




Approvals – If your form is approved by all the required signees including Accounts Payable, you will receive an email notification with a link to view your signed form which can also be found in your Dynamic Forms files.   

*If you selected a Fund beginning with the number “2” your form will also be routed to Grants for approval.  

Returned for Revision - If your request form is returned for revision, you will receive an email notification sent from with a link to your form to update and resubmit.   



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