Online Learning Course Application Form – Dynamic Forms Instructions for Faculty
Submission of this form does not guarantee approval of your request. Keep in mind that most forms will need multiple approvals and should be submitted at least a full semester before the course in development is to be offered.
The digital version of the Online Learning Course Application Form is constructed with built in routing and messaging. This form is designed to be routed to the appropriate staff for approval and completion.
Always be sure your MyMassasoit Portal is open when creating or signing Dynamic Forms from links received in email or from documentation. If you are not already signed into the portal you may see a window asking for your Microsoft account information.
To initiate the form, please send an email to Jesse Schreier (
Please Note:
If you have little or no experience using Canvas you will need to meet with the Coordinator of Instructional Technology to determine if additional Canvas training is necessary.
Upon approval of the application:
Faculty new to hybrid/online teaching are required to attend and successfully complete course development training with staff and faculty mentors from the Office of Online Learning
Currently trained online or hybrid faculty are exempt from this training, but will receive mentoring to develop and maintain their new course.
If you have questions regarding this form, please contact Jesse Schreier, Coordinator of Instructional Technology ( or Kathleen Berry, Instructional Technology Specialist (
To initiate the form, please send an email to Jesse Schreier (
Step 1 – Form Initiator
Please select the Department Chair for the course you will be making the application from the dropdown provided. This information will be used to properly route your request.
- Continue to complete the form by entering the following required information:
- Semester (During which the course will be offered)
- Course Name (chosen from a drop-down list)
Please note that upon choosing the course name, the following fields will auto complete:
Complete the remaining required information:
- Type of Compensation Preferred (Please Note: Full Time Faculty members are required to negotiate a Workload Reduction with their Dean)
- Acknowledgment of Canvas or other training certification
- Acknowledgement of Prior LMS Usage
- Description of Planned Course Technology Usage
- Signature and Date
After you submit the application, it will automatically be forwarded to your Department Chair, Division Dean, and then to the Coordinator of Instructional Technology, the Dean of Business and Technology, and Office of Academic Affairs for review.
During the review process your submission may be returned for revision, approved or denied. A final copy of the approved or denied application will be available to you. You will receive an email notification that your application has been completed and a link to download the document.