Comp Time Request Form

Comp Time Form -    Dynamic Forms Instructions   

The Comp Time Form is used to calculate and record hours worked in excess of a full or part time benefitted employees regularly scheduled work hours. 

The digital version of the Comp Time Form is constructed with built-in routing and messaging. This form is designed to be routed for approval and completion.      

Always be sure your MyMassasoit Portal is open when creating or signing Dynamic Forms from links received in email or from documentation. If you have not already signed into the portal, you may see a window asking for your Microsoft account information.    

Step 1 – Form Initiator  

If you have questions regarding your Comp Time request, please reach out to your manager or administrative assistant before submission.    

Note: This form is only for use by full or part time benefited employees 

  1. When you click on the form link you will be asked to enter the name and email addresses of your immediate supervisor. 





After completing this section, please click “Continue” to advance to the next screen. 

  1. Please check the appropriate box indicating Comp Time type. 


  1. Fill in the required information marked by a red asterisk. Enter hours as necessary. 


  1. Continue completing the form by filling in the requested information. Please note the Date section will auto-fill and the Total Hours will calculate automatically. 

  1. Hours worked through the employee's lunch break should be entered in the P.M. box. 



  1. After reviewing your form for accuracy and completeness, click on the highlighted area to sign your form. Then, type your name as it appears on the signature page and click on the “Sign Electronically” button. 





  1. After signing, please click on the “Submit” button. 


  1. Upon completion, your form will automatically be routed to your supervisor for review and processing. You will also receive an email confirmation acknowledging receipt of your form. 


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