Teaching Availability Forms - Administrative Assistant Instructions
The Teaching Availability Form will be automatically routed to administrative assistants working in the division according to the selections made by faculty members when completing the form. Administrative assistants from each division will receive an email from notify@ngwebsolutions.com with a link to a faculty members form once it has been submitted.
All administrative assistants assigned to a division will receive an email notification. Note that if you share responsibilities with another administrative assistant in your division you BOTH receive the same notifications. If another admin opens the email and clicks on the link first, you will not be able to view the submitted form. Likewise, if you are the first to open the email and access the submitted form your fellow admin will not be able to access the form by clicking on the link in their email copy.
- Faculty submitting the Teaching Availability Form will have their name, email address and their placement on any seniority list prepopulated on the form. They will enter their phone number and then select the divisions where they are indicating a preference for teaching. This division selection they make will determine which administrative assistants receive the form.
Note: Faculty can submit a REVISED teaching availability form. When this happens you will see a notation with a revision date at the top of the form. When submitting a revised form faculty will have to complete an entirely NEW form. They do not have the option of updating a previously submitted form once the original form has been accepted.

- The new form has separate sections for each session in the semester. Summer forms will have sections for Summer I, Summer II and ten week sessions. Fall forms will have sections for the Fall semester and for Fall accelerated courses. Spring forms will have sections for the Winter Intersession, Spring and Spring accelerated courses. If their preferences do not change between these sections they will indicate this by clicking on a checkbox. Make sure to note if this is the case. There are also many areas provided on the form for more specific preferences.
- After reviewing the submitted Availability Form you may accept and sign for the form or you can return the form for revision by clicking on the Return for Revision button below the signature line. This would be appropriate if you note that faculty have submitted course preferences for courses outside of your division yet did not correctly check the appropriate box for an additional division at the top of the form of if comments are entered but they were not clear.

- If you choose to Return for Revision, once you click on the button, you will be able to construct an email to faculty explaining in detail the reason for return. Complete the email to be sent to the faculty member explaining what needs to be revised or added. This email will automatically include a link for the faculty to access the form, update and resubmit.

You will receive an another email with a link to the form from notify@ngwebsolutions.com once the faculty member has updated and resubmitted their form.

- If you are signing to accept the submission, click in the yellow highlighted area to sign, complete the electronic signature by typing your name as it appears and then be sure to click on the Submit Form button.

- Be sure to submit your form when routed back to review your signature by clicking on the Submit Form button below the signature line.

A pop-up message will appear noting that your form has been submitted along with a link to view the PDF.

Important Information: Other members of your division team not listed as signers will not receive a copy of the completed documents. This form will only be viewable to the administrative assistant opening the link.
The administrative assistant opening the link can download and save a completed form to a shared file for accessibility for other members of their team. Record and process each faculty member’s Teaching Availability Form for your dean. This is particularly important if there is more than one administrative assistant in a division so that the documents can be shared and viewed by both assistants.
You may return to Dynamic Forms to review forms that you have signed at any time by clicking on the My Forms link at the top right of the screen and selecting Forms History.