Teaching Availability Form – Dynamic Forms Instructions for Faculty
Faculty members who are on the Credit Faculty Seniority List will receive an email from the Academic Affairs Office containing a link to their Teaching Availability Form for the upcoming semester. Please email the academicaffairs@massasoit.mass.edu if you have questions.
It is important to use the link in the email received for that specific semester, please do not use links or forms from emails from a previous semester. Contact your division assistant or academicaffairs@massasoit.mass.edu if you have any questions or issues locating your email.
Please follow the procedures below to access and complete the form. As with all Dynamic Forms, you must be signed into the MyMassasoit Portal to access your form. If you are a first-time user or are new to Dynamic Forms, detailed instructions on accessing the platform are located on the Help Desk Tab in Computers & Software / Dynamic Forms.
Once you have supplied your Massasoit credentials you will be routed to Dynamic Forms and presented with the Teaching Availability Form. If your form does not populate, click on the link in your email again to load the form.
Please be sure you are completing the correct Teaching Availability Form for the upcoming semester.
Note: At any time during the process, you may save your progress by clicking the button on the Save Progress bottom of the form to complete and submit at a later time. The incomplete form can be found in Dynamic Forms in Pending/Drafts. Please be sure to complete and submit your form by the due date listed on the form.
- Your name, email and current work areas with years of seniority should be prefilled on your form. Please enter the best contact number to reach you should the dean have questions. Your dean will also use the populated information for scheduling purposes.
Note that if you are submitting a REVISED form there is a checkbox for this purpose. Checking this box will highlight the revision and place a date stamp on the new form when submitted to divisional staff. It would also be very helpful to add comments to highlight the changes in the REVISED form such as a changed schedule of availability or an interest in additional courses. If you are submitting a REVISED form the entire form must be completed and resubmitted. You can not change the original form once you have submitted it and it has been accepted by the division.

- Select any/all division(s)/subject areas where you would like to teach. This information is used to route your completed form to the appropriate division. Selecting multiple divisions will route your submitted form to the appropriate staff in more than one division. You MUST select at least one division in order to submit this form.

- Enter the courses in your work areas that you are interested in teaching and would accept. There is a separate section for each session. If your interest and availability remains the same for all sessions, enter the information in the first section and click on the box provided at the beginning of each subsequent session to avoid entering the same information multiple times.
The course field is intended to contain the seven character course number (i.e BIOL138, HIST101 etc). The course title field can also be used for clarity if you are unsure of the exact course number. The more accurate you enter this information, the greater the likelihood that you will receive offers for the desired courses. If you have additional information for the dean(s) please enter it in the comment field on the course line. There is also an area for general comments that is free format and a series of checkboxes if you have an interest in specific course instruction modalities. There is a link in the text to the definition of each course modality.
ALL of these fields are OPTIONAL and included for you to best describe the courses you are interested in teaching. There is an additional space for general comments in each of the available sessions for the semester.
There is space for six (6) courses to be listed in each session of the semester. If you need more lines for additional courses they will appear as you complete the available fields. Please use the comments area after the Course Title liberally to explain any specific preferences for an individual course.

- Beneath the area for you to list the courses you are interested in teaching is the area where you indicate your availability for that session. As in other areas of this form all of the information is optional and fields are free format. Use this area to describe your availability for all course modalities EXCEPT Flex Online. The better you articulate very specific availability or preferences the more likely your dean will be able to meet your needs.

Remember each session has a separate area to enter this information but if your course preferences and availability does not change from one session to another you may check the box at the top of each section rather than entering information more than once. If you check this box the fields to enter separate preferences for this portion of the semester will disappear.

- There is one last comment area for general comments before signing and submitting the form. Remember if you have not selected at least ONE of the divisional checkboxes at the top of the form the Submit button will not show and you will not be allowed to send your form.

- After reviewing your form for accuracy and completeness, click on the highlighted area to sign your form then type your name as it appears on the signature page.

- Be sure to submit your form when taken back to the original form by clicking on the Submit Form button.

- A pop-up message will appear noting that your form has been submitted along with a link to view your PDF. As you view your PDF, you have an option to download a copy by clicking in the right-hand corner of your PDF. You may return to Dynamic Forms and download a fully signed copy after divisional staff have signed their copy at any time.

- Your form has now been routed to the division(s) according to your course choices. The division has the option to return the form to you for revision if more information is needed. If you receive an email like the example below, click on the link and you will be directed to your original form to revise as needed.

- Once your form has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email from notify@ngwebsolutions.com including a link to your form and that your form was received. Please note, if you choose courses in more than one division, you will receive an email confirmation from each division.

You may return to Dynamic Forms to review forms that you have signed at any time by clicking on the My Forms link at the top right of the screen and selecting Forms History.