Dynamic Forms Home Page
The Dynamic Forms Home Page allows you to access any forms where you are a participant or administrator. This includes forms that you have initiated or submitted and those where you are one of the signatories. The Home Page can be accessed from the MyMassasoit Portal by clicking on the link provided there or once signed into Dynamic Forms it can be accessed from any screen by clicking the icon in the upper left of the screen.

The My Forms/Portal page
The My Forms/Portal page link is located on the right top of the screen. This allows access to your personal list of forms needing action, forms you are copied on, and forms history.

Forms Needing Your Action and Other Forms
The Forms Needing Your Action option shows forms awaiting your signature or forms you saved as Drafts waiting for your completion and submission.
Other Forms you might be interested in contains Forms you are Copied on and Forms awaiting Other signatures.
Forms requiring your signature will not be viewable here until it is your turn to sign the form. Forms submitted by others are only viewable by you when it is your turn to sign in the form routing process.
This page can be useful if you receive multiple requests for form signatures. This will allow you to open multiple pending forms from this one page rather than opening multiple email notifications to access different forms. All Headings are clickable to sort in alpha or numerical order.
The columns on the Pending / Draft Forms page are:
Form Name - the title of the document.
Status - there are eight possible categories:
Returned – the form has been returned for revision.
Multi-Pending – the form with multiple signatories is waiting for signatures.
Pending – the form has received all signatures or has been stopped. Both are considered complete. If the document has been stopped, an email will be sent alerting the requester/initiator that the document has been denied.
Incomplete – the form requires your action to complete the form.
Processed – the form has been moved from Pending category to Processed category by the form Administrator.
Archived – the form has been moved to the Archived category by the Administrator.
Deleted – the form has been deleted by the Administrator.
Draft – the form has been started but the owner/initiator of the form has not submitted it.
Description - this notes who initiated the form.
Date - the date and time the form was initiated.
PDF - the downloadable image of the most current version of the document (form attachments are not downloadable from this location -see HTML).
HTML - the browser image including the links to download attachments.
Action - contains multiple options- Complete Form, View PDF, View HTML, and Manage Co-signers.
The Search Feature allows you to search for a form by entering key words in the All Fields & Participants field. You will need to search your Forms History and Pending/Drafts Files separately as the search field is independent to the page. Any field on the form or participant name can be entered for a search. For example, you can search by vendor name or invoice number if those fields appear on the form you are looking to find.
If you click on the Search field on this line you can limit the search to only Field Names (dropdown selection) or Participants. Click on the Search field and check the Search By Field Names box, click in the box to select your option, click Apply to begin your search. You can also Search by Participants with the Field Names to narrow down your search or by itself. You will need to search your Forms History and Pending/Drafts Files separately as the search field is independent to the page.
Forms History
The Forms History option from the My Forms menu will display any form you have participated in and completed your section of the form.

All Headings on the Forms History display are clickable to sort in alpha or numerical order.
Form Name - the title of the document.
Status has five possible categories:
Multi-Pending – the form has multiple signatories and is waiting for signatures.
Pending – the form has received all signatures or has been stopped and complete.
Processed – the form has been moved to Processed by the Administrator.
Archived – the form has been moved to Archived by the Administrator.
Deleted – the form has been deleted by the Administrator.
Form Started By - notes the name of the initiator of the form.
E-signed Date - the date and time the form was initiated.
PDF - the downloadable image of the most current version of the document (attachments are not downloadable from the PDF - see HTML).
HTML is the form image including the links to download attachments.
Audits - shows a detailed routing of the form. Headings are clickable to sort in alpha or date order. This is typically used only by technical staff to diagnose problems.
There is a Search Option is available to search your forms progress if preferred. Any item in the Details display may be searched. For example, any text in the "Notes:" comment can be searched.
The User Account icon at the upper right allows you to log off. It is always advisable to log off when you have completed your work in Dynamic Forms. If you remain logged on with no activity for an extended period Dynamic Forms will automatically log you out.