- I am not affiliated with Massasoit; how do I connect to the Wi-Fi?
Massasoit Community College offers a free guest Wi-Fi network for visitors who are not affiliated with the College.
Please Note: The Massasoit Guest Wi-Fi network is a public network and has reduced bandwidth and access to Massasoit-related services.
Operating system
Click on the operating system you're connecting on to skip to the instructions for it:
- Click on the wireless symbol in the bottom right of the screen to choose a network:
- Select the 'Massasoit Guest' network.
- Click on 'Connect'.
- You should be redirected to a page asking for your name and email address, fill in the required Fields.
- After filling in your credentials you will be given a temporary password that will automatically grant you access to the Guest network when you click Log in.
Android/Chrome OS
Note: Android and Chrome OS devices can be from several different manufacturers, such as Google, Samsung, LG, and more. Different devices may look different and have options listed in different orders or have slightly different names. Follow these instructions as closely as you can and it should work for most Android and Chrome OS devices.
- Open up your network settings.
- click on the 'Massasoit Guest' network option on your Android or Chrome device.
- You will be redirected to a screen that requires your name, and email address.
- After filling in your credentials you will be given a temporary password that will automatically grant you access to the Guest network when you click Log in.
- In the top right of the screen click on the Wireless icon.
- select 'Massasoit Guest'.
- You will be redirected to a screen requiring your name, and email address.
- After filling in your credentials you will be given a temporary password that will automatically grant you access to the Guest network when you click Log in.
- Select Settings on the home screen of your apple device
- Click on Wi-Fi options, then 'Massasoit Guest' network
- Enter your Name and email address
- After filling in your credentials you will be given a temporary password that will automatically grant you access to the Guest network when you click Log in.