Welcome to Massasoit!


See a quick summary of the accounts and services provided to you how to get started as an employee at Massasoit.


Account Information & First Time Setup

  • For employees, your department is responsible for requesting computer and account access for you via our new employee access request on the Service Catalog. Check with your department's administrative assistant to confirm that accounts have been requested for you. The requestor will be given your login credentials to relay to you.
  • When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to set up security questions so you can reset your password in the future. It will also allow you to change your password from what was provided.
  • Passwords are set to expire every 2 years. At that point, you'll need to reset your password. For more information on our password policies and best practices, click here
  • Opening Microsoft Outlook on any on-campus computer will start the first time setup for your email account on that device. It should automatically configure your account settings, so all you need to do is click Next until it's done. It will take a bit of time to open for the first time but will be all set from then on.


MyMassasoit Portal

The MyMassasoit Portal provides access to all of the systems and services that a Massasoit employee might need access to. This includes:

  • Email - Employees are given two email addresses. One is a Microsoft Outlook account, formatted as username@massasoit.mass.edu, while the other is set up through Gmail, formatted as username@massasoit.edu. Links to get into both email accounts can be found in the "Launchpad" on the left side of the MyMassasoit Portal's home page.
    • Outlook email is the primary method of communication for faculty and staff communication. Emails that go out to the college faculty and staff will go to the Outlook email address. The link to access this email from the Portal is called "Office 365 Employee Email."
    • Massasoit Gmail is the email system that students have an email address on. Given this, students are likely to use this email address to contact their professors. The link to access this email from the Portal is called "Massasoit Gmail."
    • Both emails are actively used by different groups at the college, so both should be monitored. However, to make it easier, it is possible to forward your emails from the Google email to your Outlook email or vice versa. 
    • For our guide on how to set up your Massasoit Gmail on your phone, click here.
  • Banner, the application used for all sorts of tasks including advising, registration, student and employee records, data reporting, and more. Banner can come in different flavors, such as DegreeWorks, Banner Pages, and Self-Service Banner (SSB). Depending on what you need to do in Banner, you'll use a particular one or multiple. Links to the different types of Banner are all available on the MyMassasoit Portal under the Launchpad as well as on the Staff and Faculty pages.
  • Canvas, the online learning system at Massasoit. This is basically a virtual classroom that teachers can use as a supplement to their course, where students can submit assignments and get announcements, or as the primary method of teaching the course for online classes. Canvas has discussion boards, one-to-one communication with professors and students, assignment management, announcements, and more.
  • ITS Service Portal, the online portal for technical support for Massasoit. Here you can search for articles to help yourself using the Knowledge Base or submit a ticket to request help from ITS for an issue using the Service Catalog.


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Article ID: 74892
Tue 4/2/19 4:29 PM
Wed 3/5/25 11:03 AM