- I have access to the MyMassasoit portal, what can I expect?
- What features are available in the MyMassasoit portal?
- MyMassasoit is a centralized secure information hub available at or under the MyMASSASOIT link at
- The portal provides single-sign-on to campus apps and secure forms
- It contains links to Student Self-service, Faculty Self-service, and Staff administrative tools
- MyMassasoit uses responsive design to work well on all devices
- Content and announcements in the portal are viewable based on the user's role(s) at the college
NOTE: First-time users will be prompted with 3 software-introduction screens. Please click through them, opting either way on the final "enhance" screen. Also, this portal software is a Cloud application that redirects you to, which is from our trusted vendor, Ellucian.

Here is a brief video introduction showing the components of the portal:
Home Page components:
- Main menu icon (3-horizontal lines) - click to use all Main menu features and navigation
- Massasoit icon - click this to return to the Home Page
- Notification icon - bell indicates new card content or posted announcement
- Profile icon - click this to see some account settings OR to Sign out
- Announcements - when present, are shown at base of the Campus image
- Content cards - Visible based on your role and whether they are "pinned" to the Home Page using flags
- Launchpad cards - for accessing applications - most via single-sign-on - searchable
- Student cards contain academic, campus, and financial resources
- Faculty cards contain academic and resource content
- Employee cards contain HR, document, and administrative resources
- Community cards contain campus, reporting, and support information
- Discover More button - click to go to the Discover page
- Ability to unpin cards and drag cards to your desired location
Discover Page components:
- Page displays ALL cards you have access to
- Find cards line to enter search keywords
- Keyword filter buttons along the top
- Sort by drop down to sequence your cards
- Ability to pin and unpin cards from your Home Page
Main Menu components:
- Navigate to Home or Discover page
- Show your cards based on Category, where their locations are fixed
- Find Resource links
- Find social media links