Dynamic Forms Introduction - FAQ


A series of Q & A on the basic use of Dynamic Forms


What is a Dynamic Form? 

Massasoit Community College utilizes Dynamic Forms, a cloud-based forms system that provides an efficient and effective way for users to create web-based forms used to collect information and route for signatures. Dynamic Forms also holds this information for future reference. 

How do I access my Dynamic Forms? 

If you are a first-time user of Dynamic Forms and have a Massasoit Community College assigned email address, you must access your account as a “Single Sign On” user (SSO).  

You can access your account through your MyMassasoit portal Launchpad - Employees card, by initiating a form with a form link found in the Knowledge Base, or by clicking on a form link through an email notification.  

You must be signed into the MyMassasoit Portal to access your form information (see below).  If you are not already signed into the portal and attempt to access a Dynamic Form you may see a window asking for your Microsoft account information (see below).  Choose or enter your massasoit.mass.edu email address.   


To access DynamicForms through your MyMassasoit Portal, search in the search bar for 'DynamicForms' or scroll down the list until you see the link labeled 'DynamicForms' in the Launchpad - Employees card.


Co-signers of the form will receive a notification from notify@ngwebsolutions.com.  Please add this email address to your safe senders' list to ensure notification emails do not land in your junk or spam folder.  

When using Dynamic Forms please note that there are no error notification emails if an email address is typed incorrectly. Form users are encouraged to double-check any entered email addresses before continuing.

Can I opt out of an electronic signature? 

You always have an option to opt out of electronic signature. Each form gives you the option at the signature point to print the form, complete it, sign and submit it along with any required documentation to the designated campus office. Please note that once you have opted out of the electronic version of the form, the completed form will no longer be available to view on your Dynamic Forms homepage and the progress of the form is not tracked electronically. 

Can I change the email address used for a co-signer? 

If you have the proper permission level you may correct a co-signer's email.  Log into the Dynamic Forms homepage and click on Pending/Draft Forms. Locate the form in question and click on the “Action” tab to the right and then Manage Co-signers. Choose the “Action” tab to the right of the co-signers name you wish to change. Be sure to resend the form by clicking “Save and Resend” when complete. 

Can I save my progress for completion later? 

You may save your progress for completion at a later time for most forms. At the bottom of the form page simply click on the Save Progress button. You will then receive a dialog box that prompts you to take action. If you choose to log out, the form will be saved in the Pending/Draft Forms section under “My Forms”. When you can continue your form, login to Dynamic Forms, click on “My Forms” and then “Pending / Drafts Forms”. From the list of Pending / Draft Forms, select the "Action” tab to the right of the form you want to complete. Then, select Complete Form. Finish the form, electronically sign it and click on the Submit button. After submission of the form, you will receive a confirmation message and email.  

What if I have a question about a form? 

There are a growing number of Knowledge Base articles on specific forms that can be referenced. Academics who still have questions about a form should reach out to your division administrative assistant for help.  

How can I check the status of my forms? 

All signatories of any form may return to Dynamic Forms to review forms that they have signed at any time. They can download or print copies as they have signed them or return to the  Dynamic Forms home page and access their copies by clicking on the My Forms link at the top right of the screen and selecting Forms History to see all available forms.   


More information can be found by clicking on Forms History and choosing one of the form options below. 






Article ID: 141248
Tue 2/8/22 2:15 PM
Mon 8/19/24 10:16 AM

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