Direct Payment Form Instructions


Instructions for completing a Direct Payment Form


Direct Payment Form – Dynamic Forms Instructions  


The Direct Pay Form is used to pay vendors that do not have a Purchase Order in place and to reimburse paid expenses. A Purchase Request through Self Service Banner should be used for vendor items and services that have not already been ordered and paid.   

Submission of this form does not guarantee payment. Keep in mind that most forms will need multiple approvals and should be submitted at least two to three weeks before payment is due.  

The digital version of the Direct Pay Form is constructed with built-in routing and messaging. This form is designed to be routed for approval and completion.  

Always be sure your MyMassasoit Portal is open when creating or signing Dynamic Forms from links received in email or from documentation. If you have not already signed into the portal, you may see a window asking for your Microsoft account information.   

Step 1 – Complete the Form  

If you have questions regarding your Direct Payment request, please reach out to your manager or administrative assistant before submission.   

Note: For security reasons, this form will time out if not submitted in a timely manner (45 minutes). You may save your progress at any time while completing your form by selecting the “Save Progress” button located at the bottom of the form. If you use the Save Progress button your forms are saved as a Draft. Please be sure to return to your  Dynamic Forms “Pending/Drafts” page to complete your form when you are ready to complete and submit.  


Please note that submission of this form does not guarantee payment.  

Complete the form by entering the required information marked with a red asterisk.  

Vendor ID - The Vendor ID can be found by contacting Purchasing or Accounts Payable, or if you have used the vendor in the past, you may refer to the attachment How to Find a Vendor.pdf found in the right-hand column of this page.

Vendor Name - This information will populate upon entering the ID number.  

Address, City, State, Zip – information should be found on invoice.  


Invoice Number*, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount – Enter the invoice number and the date of the invoice from the original invoice. The invoice amount will be automatically calculated from the “Amount” field(s) listed in the next section.  


In the event that no invoice number exists, please refer to the following information as a guideline for completing the necessary information. 

  • Yearly Items should be listed as (FYxx-“Type of Cost” (where xx is the budget year from which funds are being paid) For example: 
  • Yearly memberships –FY22 membership 
  • Yearly Subscriptions –FY22 subscription 
  • Yearly Fees – FY22 annual fee 
  • Semester based costs. For example: 
  • Fall21 Insurance 
  • Spr22 Courses 
  • Event Items 
  • Event Registrations – Event Date & Attendee name(s) For example: (9/30/21-Chiano; 5/14/22-Ayers) 
  • Speaker payments – Event Date(s) 
  • Student Stipends  
  • Time frame & Type of Stipend – For example:  
  • FY22 Pathways; SEP21 AMCOA; Fall21 Government 

Fund - Select the fund to be debited from the dropdown (if unsure, contact your manager).  

Organization – Select the organization Number (if unsure contact your manager).  

Account – Select the appropriate Account (if unsure contact Purchasing or Kelly Fucillo).  

Amount – Enter the amount of the payment associated with the fund, organization, and account listed on that line.  

If there are multiple funds, organizations, accounts, and amounts associated with the payment to the vendor noted on the form, continue on to the next line to add items.  


Special Instructions – Select method of payment from the dropdown.  


Documentation for expenditure must be uploaded together. Click on the Supporting Documentation “Attach File” button to attach all files at once.  Be sure all necessary documentation is included to avoid having your form returned for revision or denied.  If your form is returned because documentation is missing, use the Additional Documentation "Attach File" button to upload it, otherwise you will need to re-upload ALL previously attached documents.  It is strongly recommended that the documentation be in PDF format. If you have questions, please contact your manager.   

Attach file instructions image  

Description of Purchase /Request / Purpose – In detail, note the description of the purchase. Include the purpose, how it may enrich the college, and the applicable time frame if it applies to a license or subscription.  


Dean/Department Head – Enter the Budget Manager’s first and last name along with their email address. This is the person who manages the budget for the selected Org. Be sure to confirm the email address entered. Data entry errors will delay your form. 

Division - Check the box of the Division that is funding this request.

Area Vice President – Enter the Division VP’s first and last name along with their email address. Be sure to confirm the email address entered. Data entry errors will delay your form.  

(Please be advised the Area Vice President heading will only appear when the requested amount exceeds $5,000.00.) 

Dept Head, Division, VP fields image  


Step 2  – Submit and Sign Form  

After completing the required fields, submit your form by selecting the “Next” button on the bottom of the page to apply your electronic signature (see below). If you have skipped over any of the required fields, you will remain on the form and be required to fill in the required fields which will be noted with red text messages.   


You will receive an email notification that your form has been routed to the required signatories for review.   


Step 3 - Approvals

If your form is approved by all the required signers including Accounts Payable, you will receive an email notification with a link to view your signed form.  This can also be found by visiting the Dynamic Forms Home Page and clicking on the Forms History link in the My Forms menu located at the top right of the home page.   

*If you selected a Fund beginning with the number “2” your form will also be routed to Grants for approval.  

*If you select Account  “E13” your form will also be routed to Communications for approval.   

*If you selected an Account beginning with a letter “U” your form will also be routed to the CIO for approval.   

*If the amount of your request is $5000.00 or over, your form will be routed to the division Vice President for approval.  

Returned for Revision - If your Direct Payment request is returned for revision, you will receive an email notification sent from with a link to your form to update and resubmit.   

Denied - If your Direct Payment request is denied, you will receive an email notification from This will provide a link to view the denied form which will include a comment stating the reason for denial next to the signature line of the person who denied the request. Please contact your manager if you have additional questions.  




Article ID: 139534
Wed 11/17/21 1:26 PM
Mon 12/16/24 9:32 AM

