- What are Channels in Teams?
Teams are made up of individually named channels, which are the topics or “conversations” you have with your team mates. Each channel is dedicated to a specific topic. Below is an example of two channels within the ITS Staff Teams space (General and Water Cooler Chat).
- To enter a channel you simply click on , you will see the channels defined for your Team.
- Click on the channel (or topic) you wish to see.
You will see the chat post page for that topic. This is the chat for the General channel in the ITS Team.
How do I post in a Channel?
- If you wish to engage with a chat, click on.
You will see a list of conversations. The conversations are identified by the name of the persons conversing back and forth.
- To participate with a particular conversation, click Reply, enter your thoughts and click .
You can add to the existing conversations or start your own. You can broadcast to other channels or keep the conversation private between you and the moderator.
The options are listed here:
Can I manage the Channels?
If you are a Team administrator, you can edit, add or delete channels as needed.
- To manage the channels, click on the Team name or the individual channel.
- Click on and you will see the list of options to manage the channel.
For more information see - Create and post to a Channel