- How do I set up a video conference meeting in Teams?
As a team member, you set set up a meeting through your team's calendar as explained below:
You can create a meeting from either the Team's or your own Calendar
Teams provides each group with its own calendar and is visible to all Team members. This calendar is in addition to your own individual Outlook calendar. Through the calendar you can choose a time, pick participants. send invitations with links and schedule around potential conflicts. The invitees do not need to be Team members.
From inside Teams
- Click to see the Team calendar. It is in the same style and format as your Outlook calendar.
- Fill out the meeting forms
The meeting will be posted on the Teams calendar and invitations will be sent out. When an invitee accepts the meeting request, it will be added on to their personal calendar, depending on their calendar system. The invitation will contain a join link which the invitee can click on at the designated time to join the meeting.
Can set up a meeting with my team and link the two calendars together?
You can post meetings through your own Outlook Calendar and have them appear in the Team calendar.
- In your own Outlook calendar, click and fill out the meeting form.
Invitations will be sent and the event will be posted to both your Outlook and the Teams calendar.
You can easily setup a team meeting, instantly set up a video conference or stream a live event.
For more information see - Team Meeting How to use Video Conferencing in Teams Calendar How to effectively use the Calendar in Teams